Effective Monday, April 4th, LTI will upgrade the look and feel of our Test Reports to better align with industry standards, increased data integrity, security, and adaptability for future software upgrades. This change also supports LTI’s ongoing commitment to provide customers with ease of access to order information on a secure online digital platform (“LTI Live”, our customer portal).

We know this change affects all our customers, and we are here to help you navigate this update. Our team has been working very hard to create a Test Report with all our customers' needs in mind. Although the new Test Report will look different, it will still contain the essential data you've come to expect from LTI.

The Look of Your Email & Report Will Change

Report Email_adj

When your new test reports arrive, the emails will look similar to the image above. A full, detailed PDF report will be attached to each email with all of the information you get now on your Laboratory Test Reports. You will receive a separate test report for each sample that we test and a separate page for each test performed.

Click here to see some sample pages.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did LTI change its test reports?
LTI moved to a new test report application to improve our accuracy, to better align with industry standards, increase data integrity, security, and adaptability for future software upgrades. This change also supports LTI’s ongoing commitment to provide customers with ease of access to order information on a secure online digital platform.

Will the LTI test reports come from the same email address?
No, LTI test reports now will come from LTIreports@labtesting.com. Please add this email address to your email system so the reports are not blocked by your firewall or end up in your Spam folder.

Will the same email address(es) at my company continue to receive LTI test reports?
Yes, the new test reports will be emailed to the same email address(es) that we currently have on file for your account.

Whom do I contact with an issue or for a correction?
If you encounter an issue or need an amendment, please contact your Account Representative or email LTIreports@labtesting.com.

What is a checksum and why is it being provided?
The new Test Report email will include a checksum value for the Test Report file. A checksum is an "electronic fingerprint" represented by a string of letters and numbers. This mathematically generated value can be used to verify a file is authentic. Validating the checksum of your Test Report can ensure the file has not been modified.

How can I verify my Test Report checksum?
Check with your IT administrator for the preferred method to generate a checksum value. The generated checksum should match the value provided in the email.

Contact our Sales Department at sales@labtesting.com if you have any questions.


Laboratory Testing Inc.  2331 Topaz Drive, Hatfield, PA 19440